Nutrition and Adventure Tales

Take Risks… Life Begins Outside of Your Comfort Zone!

on July 17, 2012


It’s already mid July!! I can’t believe how fast the summer is going. I loveeeee summer…maybe it’s because I am a June baby but it’s my favorite season for many reasons! Many people start their resolutions and re-creation at the start of the New Year, while other people say spring is the time for “new beginnings.” For me it’s all about summer! Summer has become my time for movement in life and for re-engaging in my personal journey from the inside out.  I try to make decisions and step outside of my own head and open myself up to new possibilities because you just never know where they will lead.  I encourage anyone feeling “stuck” in life to pick even one thing this summer to do for YOU.  Think of something that may feel a little scary, but exciting or something you’ve pondered for a while but never got around to it.  Think of something to give you that surge of energy to carry on through the rest of your life.

One of the biggest highlights of my summer is the annual Camp DoMore in Southern California! The camp was previously known as “Camp Turbo Kick” after Chalene Johnson’s famous fitness class format, ) but it’s SO much more than working out.  Yes, even adults show go to summer camp! All I can say is that you REALLY have to experience it to understand.  I can try to describe it by sayings it’s a four-day fun, fitness, motivation, inspiration and energy filled experience with tons of like-minded people who LOVE all things Turbo and Chalene Johnson. You just don’t leave the same as you came!

Still not getting it? Your daily wellness schedule involves workouts, motivational lectures, personal development speakers and new friendships that will last a lifetime. Not to mention the fashion show and dance party!! Camp DoMore is a place for people on a journey of personal development who want to: be better, live up to their potential and surround themselves with a completely judgment free atmosphere!  It is an amazing and PERFECT summer experience!

My point to that long-winded reminiscence is that I almost never experienced this amazing “camp!” I remember going in last year when my life was in complete flux. I was scared, feeling alone, worried, kind of depressed and wondering what I was going to do with my life and myself.  I almost didn’t go because I’m not much of extrovert, and I knew NO ONE (in real life anyway)! I had a million reasons why I couldn’t or shouldn’t go, too much money etc., but I packed my bags, and flew across the country rooming with people I’d never met and praying I’d come home alive. I’m a New Yorker and thus I am always a little skeptical!

Obviously the story had a happy ending. I loved camp. It changed my perspective on life and I actually made lifelong friends!  To think I almost succumbed to doing what was comfortable. What a loss it would have been in ways I probably don’t even realize.  According to Chalene herself, Camp DoMore is a ‘four-day party where at the end you are set on fire with motivation, energy and vigor for life!’ That’s exactly what it is for me… a life transforming experience that I am so grateful to be a part of! I can’t wait to tell you about it when I get back!

So here’s my plea to all of you adventure seekers out there … take a risk, no matter how big or small… meet new people, go to that seminar, take that workout class, try a surf lesson, learn a foreign language, go to Camp, read a new book, train for a half marathon, bungee jump, take a walk, make a new recipe, learn to cook, learn to make wine, paint a picture (one at a time of course). I have no idea what will set YOU on fire, but I do know if you just keep doing the same things day in and day out, you may never find out.  Make it a GREAT Summer!

And make sure you’re following me on twitter for some Camp DoMore updates starting Thursday!!

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